Cemetery Information

Cemetery Name:Spring Creek Cemetery
Google Maps: 
Survey Date:1999
Surveyed By:Fredericka Burt Wyatt
Restricted:Restricted access to cemetery
Comments:The cemetery is on private land, but originally, the two acres of the cemetery were donated by Lewis Martin McDonald to the North Methodist Episcopal Church, which was never built. Joseph McCormick was the original grantee of the property, listed on Survey No. 147.
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To request more information about an individual listed in this location, please send your request to the contact listed below.

Contact Information for this location

Contact Name:Frederica Wyatt
Phone:(915) 446-2477
Email Address:burtwyat@ctesc.net
Web site: 
Postal Address:P. O. Box 271
Junction, Tx 76849
Comments:Additional information is available for most individuals in this cemetery. I can also be contacted at (915) 446-4219.