Cemetery Information

Cemetery Name:Willow City 
Directions:From intersection of US 290 and State Highway 16 N in Fredericksburg go 10.8 miles north, turn right on Old Willow Road 3.1miles turn right on Gold-Schaefer Road, .2 mi. cemetery on left.
Google Maps:Link to aerial map
Documentation:Additional information about the individuals buried in the Willow City Cemetery is documented in this pdf file
Latitude:030 23 27
Longitude:098 42 21
Survey Date:2009
Surveyed By:Fredericksburg Genealogical Society & updated by Jo Wehmeyer
Restricted:Access allowed to cemetery
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Contact Information for this location

Contact Name:Joreen Wehmeyer
Email Address:jojo@ctesc.net
Web site: 
Postal Address: